If we were asked, What age group should we focus on to educate about online privacy? Many of us would immediately think of teenagers as the target group to shed some knowledge upon. But I say, What about adults? Anyone who is on a social-media site should have knowledge about how to maintain their online privacy, and be aware that what they are posting may or may not have direct consequences for their lives and the lives of others. This recent Naked Security story shows us just how much one single picture posted online can affect the life of a person. It is a perfect example of our principle Sharing Releases Control, which states that you can’t control what happens after you post something online, or how people will interpret it. Other people can repost or forward content to any audience without your permission, as happened in this story.

Read the full story here: “Creep” Shamed On Facebook Was Actually Man Taking Selfie With Darth Vader